Thanks for the reply " Ben".
Personally to me, it's ridiculouse that the story is anything than made up. In the first entries we are told of the need to make no noice, yet daily they are using a vacuum cleaner at 11.30 in the morning,and they are chopping wood with an axe to make chimney smoke, at night, it's just ridiculouse.
But the bigger issue I believe is that it's a properganda book, designed to make money on an an innocent girl. To do that they created in that diary an innocent first first love Anne & Peter, victims of a black and white world. It's total properganda and the message of hatred to the German nation I believe abhorrent.
Sadly I believe if it wasn't for this diary, the 100s of genuine diaries written by girls in hiding may be read. Those stories are the true history of those terrible times, and they show a truer history of humanity.
This is why words should never be banned, and opinions allowed to be spoken. If you ban words you ban " Freedom of speech". However words should be exposed, held up to the light and questioned. But never banned.
The Rebel.